FBC Benbrook Sermons

The Sunday morning sermons delivered by Pastor Todd Pylant at the First Baptist Church of Benbrook, Texas

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Monday Mar 27, 2023

After giving instructions to Timothy on how to handle elders who needed to be rebuked, the apostle Paul reminded the church about a few important truths: there is a judgment day to come, our sins will find us out, and while no one will be saved by good works, there are good reasons to do good works. (March 26, 2023) 1 Timothy 5.17-25

Shining Like Stars

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

As Paul encouraged Timothy to fight the good fight, he explains the hard work of being light in a dark world, something that encourages and challenges the church even today. Being light in a dark world requires being rooted and grounded in truth as revealed in Scripture, a serious pursuit of godliness, an eternal scorecard, and the work of the Holy Spirit in, around, and through us. (1 Timothy 4.6-16) March 12, 2023.

God’s Open Secret

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

In what might be one of the earliest hymns used in the early church, the apostle Paul captures the great mystery of the gospel, that which was previously hidden but now revealed in Christ. These six lines speak of the incarnation, the resurrection, the ascension, and the proclamation of the gospel to the nations and the global and eternal church. (1 Timothy 3.14-16) February 26, 2023

Leadership in the Church

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023

The longest passage of Scripture that describes the qualifications for leadership in the church is in 1 Timothy 3. Here, the qualifications for the two offices of the church (pastors and deacons) are described in detail, and it is clear that faithfulness to the gospel, a life transformed by the gospel, and a heart in service to the gospel is essential to those who desire to serve the church. (1 Timothy 3.1-13) February 19, 2023

A Profound Mystery

Monday Feb 13, 2023

Monday Feb 13, 2023

In Paul’s letter to Timothy, we find the clearest teaching that the role of teaching with authority in the church is reserved for biblically qualified male teaching pastors. In light of the spirit of our age, this raises so many questions, but it also points us to the profound mystery of God’s created order and His beauty and greatness. (1 Timothy 2.11-15) February 12, 2023

The First of All Weapon

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Paul left Timothy in Ephesus with a huge mission: to charge certain person within the church to stop teaching a different doctrine. Timothy was to fight the good fight by holding fast to faith (the truth of the gospel) and a good conscience (the work of the Spirit to convict of sin and lead in righteousness). And in this good fight, the “first of all” weapon is prayer, specifically praying together as a church. This passage of Scripture is convicting to most of us whose practice of prayer does not treat prayer as the “first of all” weapon in the good fight. (1 Timothy 2.1-10) February 5, 2023

Shipwrecks and Rescue Missions

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

The apostle Paul reminds Timothy of his calling in Ephesus, to charge certain persons not to teach a different doctrine. His work is built upon his faith and conscience, which some have rejected and shipwrecked their faith. This scripture encourages and teaches us that the gospel itself causes shipwrecks, that shipwrecks can happen to our faith also, that teachers of false gospels are popular, that prodigals do get rescued, and that the good fight is Spirit work. (1 Timothy 1.18-20) January 29, 2023

Our Story of Grace

Monday Jan 23, 2023

Monday Jan 23, 2023

As Paul was encouraging Timothy to teach the gospel in Ephesus, he suddenly got lost in his own conversion story. Paul rejoices in the simple truth that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. The story arc of his conversion is just like ours: the chief of sinners meets the overflowing mercy and grace of God and is appointed to His service. (1 Timothy 1.12-17) January 22, 2023

What’s Old is What’s New

Monday Jan 16, 2023

Monday Jan 16, 2023

Timothy’s job in Ephesus was to charge certain persons to stop teaching a different doctrine. There were some within Ephesian church who were mishandling the law, and who did not understand the gospel. Their teaching was leading to ungodly behavior, but the apostle Paul reminds us that genuine gospel teaching leads to holiness and sanctification, resulting in a pure heart that loves God and others. We also discover that the false teachings of today are very similar to the false teachings the early church had to face. (1 Timothy 1.3-11) January 15, 2023

Monday Jan 09, 2023

The apostle Paul wrote three powerful letters to two men whom he commissioned to lead a local church in the midst of troubled times, and these letters are desperately needed for the American church today. In this sermon, we introduce the Pastoral Epistles and explore why we need to hear the Word of the Lord through these books of Scripture. (1 Timothy 1.1-2) January 8, 2023

Todd Pylant, First Baptist Church of Benbrook, TX

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