
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
How do you draw the undrawable? The hope of eternal life, the new heavens and new earth, where God makes all things new, is the indescribable future that is difficult to describe. The prophet Isaiah helps us learn to draw the undrawable by contrasting the hope of the Eternal Kingdom of God with the vanity and futility of this world, as described by the book of Ecclesiastes. In Romans 8, the apostle Paul does the same, but the prophet Isaiah paints a beautiful picture of the hope for which we were saved. (Isaiah 65.17-25) April 10, 2022.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
“Dear Lord, I need you to rip open the gates of heaven and come down here and do the kind of things you used to do in the Bible days!” If you have ever prayed like that, you are praying the words of Isaiah 64. The good news is that God did rent the heavens and came down at the incarnation, and He will rend the heavens again and come down at the Second Coming of Jesus. But, God still rends the heavens and comes down when we pray. And this is why we pray Kingdom Centered Miracle Prayers. (Isaiah 64.1-12) April 3, 2022.

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
The Scriptures teach us that the Old Testament prophets (like Isaiah) bore witness to the gospel and the apostles (like Paul) proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ. Isaiah prophesied about the coming “arm of the Lord” who would bring salvation, righteousness, redemption, and a new covenant, and the apostle Paul not only saw Jesus as the fulfillment of that prophecy but then applied the new covenant to the people of God striving to walk as children of the light in a dark world. (Isaiah 59.14-60.3) March 20, 2022

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
One of the many reasons why our fellowship with God is broken, our prayers are hindered, and God’s gracious work in our lives is thwarted is because of unconfessed and unrepentant sin. The prophet Isaiah confronted God’s people with this hard truth centuries ago, but God’s people still need to hear it. This is why the spiritual discipline of confession is an important part of our walk with Christ, but the discipline needs to be specific, lead to repentance, and be empowered by grace. (Isaiah 59.1-13) March 13, 2022

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
What does it take to make us happy? Since the dawn of time, we have been searching for happiness, meaning, contentment, and satisfaction in places that are powerless to satisfy. The prophet Isaiah asked the question, “Why do you labor for that which does not satisfy?” God invites us to find satisfaction in Him through Christ in us, but we must make the faith step to confess that God alone, the creator and sustainer of our souls, has the power and ability to satisfy our souls. (Isaiah 55.1-13) March 6, 2022

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Fasting is abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose, and it has been practiced as a spiritual discipline by the people of God since the very beginning, and continues to be today. Fasting is often connected with mourning and confession, but usually it is associated with desperate prayer. The prophet Isaiah described how fasting can become displeasing to the Lord, but also reminds us of a great promise that God does respond to God pleasing fasting. In light of the recent crisis in Ukraine, we are invited and challenged to give the Lord the gift of a fast as we desperately pray for peace. (Isaiah 58.1-12) February 27, 2022.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
In what might be the most important chapter of the entire Old Testament, the Word of the Lord came through the prophet Isaiah, speaking of Jesus, the Servant of the Lord. These 15 verses lay out the truth about Jesus: His incarnation, substitutionary atonement, and imputed righteousness to those who believe in Him. (Isaiah 52.13-53.12) February 20, 2022

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
One story keeps playing itself over and over throughout the history of God’s relationship with His people: God’s people forget their calling, forsake His ways, and go after other gods. Isaiah 48 is a vivid reminder that our rebellion might lead the Father to put us through the “furnace of affliction,” to refine us for His name’s sake. But the prophet also reminds us that we can never “out sin” the steadfast love of the Lord. The merciful God is determined to redeem His people. (Isaiah 48.9-11) January 30, 2022

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
How big is our God? Is God big enough to reveal to the prophet Isaiah the name of the king of a kingdom that wouldn’t exist for another 70 years, to name the king by name 130 years before he took the throne, to claim that God would cause this kingdom to become the largest the world had ever known, and to claim that this king would accomplish His purpose whether he wanted to or not? That is exactly the point of Isaiah 45, and this picture of a big God increases our faith in Him as we face the trials and toils of life. (Isaiah 44.24-45.13) January 23, 2022

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
In the words of the apostle John, followers of Christ are to “keep ourselves from idols.” But is idol worship really a sin that modern day Christians who live in a western, scientific world really need to concern ourselves with? What we can we learn from the prophet Isaiah and the apostle Paul about idol worship? What does modern day idolatry look like? (Isaiah 44.6-20) January 16, 2022