
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
The fact that Jesus was buried after He was crucified was an essential element to the early gospel story. But what is the significance of that fact for believers today? In Romans 6, the Bible tells us that we were buried with Him by baptism into death. This means that when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we were immersed in Him, an immersion that produced an irreversible change. Unfortunately, the good news of being buried with Him is often hidden by gospel imitations. (Matthew 27.57-61) July 4, 2021

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
According to the gospel of Matthew, at the death of Jesus, the earth shook, the rocks split, and the tombs opened. And after His resurrection, many of the saints who had died were raised and appeared to many in Jerusalem. While we have many questions surrounding this event, one major question is “why?” Why would the Father raise many saints after the resurrection of Jesus and have them appear to many in Jerusalem? A few of the answers to that question include: (1) to call many to saving faith and to birth the church, (2) to demonstrate that God alone is the Giver of Life and has authority over death, and (3) to demonstrate the hope of the resurrection to come. (Matthew 27.50-56) June 27, 2021.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Before Jesus was crucified, He endured the horror of a scourging. While the gospels don’t give much detail to it, it was important enough for the prophet Isaiah to foretell it hundreds of years before it happened. The gospels don’t reflect on the pain of the scourging, and Peter helps us understand how we should react to this horrible event in the life of our Savior. It is by His scourging that we are healed, so that we can return to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls. (Matthew 27.26-31) May 30, 2021

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Some Bible scholars want to dismiss events during the trial of Jesus as swarming with impossibilities, improbabilities, and inconsistencies, suggesting these events should be nicely ignored. But the witness of Matthew and the other gospel writers are historically dependable. And despite the critic’s efforts to dismiss the reality of the passion of Jesus, it cannot dismiss the beautiful gospel picture of the guilt of Barabbas being transferred to the innocent Jesus. God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us. (Matthew 27.15-23) May 23, 2021.

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
When Pilate confronted Jesus with the question, “Are you the King of Jews,” the answer Jesus gave continues to challenge His followers today. Indeed, Jesus is the King of a Kingdom, but His Kingdom is not of this world nor from this world. How do we know when we have crossed that line from being “in the world” to becoming “of the world”? It comes down to Jesus being the way, the truth, and the life. (John 18.33-38) May 16, 2021

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
After Jesus was arrested, they brought Him before the high priest and the Jewish ruling council to determine whether or not He was worthy of death. And in this moment, Jesus fully revealed Himself for the first time in His public ministry. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Christ. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is the Son of Man. Jesus is at the right hand of God. How do these simple phrases shine a light into our daily lives? (Matthew 26.57-68) May 9, 2021

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
When Jesus was arrested in the Garden, Peter pulled out a sword and made a weak attempt at protecting Jesus. Jesus rebuked him by saying, “All who take the sword will perish by the sword.” As the apostle reflected on that moment, Peter understood the way Jesus responded to the suffering of His passion was an example for us to follow. How do we follow this example in a world where it feels more right to fight against injustice than to follow the example of Jesus? (Matthew 26.47-56) May 2, 2021.

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
The writer of Hebrews connects the Garden prayer of Jesus on the night of His arrest with the making of Jesus as the Great High Priest. But more importantly, something happened in the Garden that gives us the confidence to draw near to the throne of grace in a time of need. By looking at the prayer of Jesus in the Garden (Matthew 26.36-46) through the lens of Hebrews 4.14-5.10, we come to see where our confidence in prayer comes from. We can confidently expect to receive mercy from the Father because the Son chose to drink the cup of God’s wrath so that we don’t have to. We can confidently expect to receive grace from the Father because He appointed the Son to be the Great High Priest to intercede for us. We can confidently expect to receive help in time of need because Jesus is both Priest and King of Kings with authority over all things. (Matthew 26.36-46) April 25, 2021.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Most of us know the story of Peter denying Jesus, but few of us connect Peter's personal testimony of God's faithfulness to preserve our faith during times of testing and suffering. Peter knew that the God of all grace would restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us as we stand firm in our faith and endure the trials that might cause us to stumble in our faith. (Matthew 26.69-75) April 18, 2021

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
In Part 4 of the Story of the Cross, we take a look at the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. The legacy of Judas is a vivid reminder that there always have been and always will be wolves among the flock of God's people, that betraying motives still exist, that Satan still works to plant seeds of betrayal, and that remorse is not the same as reconciliation (Matthew 27.3-10) April 11, 2021