
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
The story of Joseph helps us to see what it means to be faithful in the hard places of life. Through this story, we learn to be good stewards of the hard places and to hold on to the promises of God through the confusing struggles of life (Genesis 39-40) November 8, 2020.

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
The Joseph story is one of the greatest short stories ever told, but it begins with a very broken world. When we read the backgrounds of Joseph and Tamar in Genesis 37-38, we understand the words of Psalm 188.5-8 even more. We can trust God in a broken world because God has promised to be with us, because God is at work even when we cannot see it, because God is always writing His victory story, and because He is still our best hope (Genesis 37-38). November 1, 2020.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
What was God doing before creation? This question goes to the essential nature of who God is. Through 1 John 4.7-21, we learn that the fundamental nature of the eternal triune God is love, that God's love did not remain within the Trinity but overflowed to sinners like us, and that since God abides in us, we CAN love others. (October 25, 2020).

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
How does the truth of the Trinity impact our daily lives? One of the most basic commandments is to love God and obey His commands. The eternal triune God makes this possible. God the Father provides the standard to obey. God the Son provides the example to follow. God the Spirit helps us obey the commands. (John 14.15-17) October 18, 2020. Guest preacher is Tim Tucker.

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
We are servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. And one of those great mysteries is the Trinity. Our struggle to discover an analogy that is accurate and complete is only an indication of the beauty and greatness of God. The heresies of Modalism, Tri-theism, and Partialism all help us to see the beauty of the eternal triune God. (1 Corinthians 4.1) October 11, 2020.

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Why is the Trinity good news? The Doctrine of the Trinity is more than just an irrelevant truth that we don't understand. The eternal triune God displays the fullness of God's beauty and greatness. Today, we read Ephesians 1.3-14 which demonstrates how the eternal triune God was and is at work in our salvation. (Ephesians 1.3-14) October 3, 2020. (Week 1 of a Four Week Series).

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In preparation to observe the Lord’s Supper, we allow the apostle Jude to prepare our hearts and minds for the Table. In light of the danger of false teachers, Jude urges Christians to build themselves up in their most holy faith, to pray in the Holy Spirit, to keep themselves in the love of God, to wait expectantly for the mercy to be given them when Christ returns, and to rescue those who fall prey to these false teachers. In light of these words, we approach the Table meditating on the mercy of God given to us through His Son and in responding to the Word of God as obedient followers of Christ. (Jude 17-23) September 27, 2020.

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
The main section of Jude's letter is a comparison of the ways God treated those who abused His grace and resisted His Lordship in Old Testament history to the "certain people who had crept in unaware." Jude's main point gets clearer: those who pervert the grace of God have always been under God's just condemnation, as is true of these false teachers. We begin to see the real danger of "hidden reefs" and consider what these hidden reefs might look today.
The second phase of Bible study is Interpretation, or determining what the Bible means. As we read Jude 11-16, we also consider six key principles of interpretation to guide our understanding of Scripture: (1) let the author speak, (2) keep it in context, (3) read the Bible literally while allowing for figurative language, (4) let Scripture interpret Scripture, (5) let the clear guide the unclear, and (6) read the Bible in Christian community.

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
How to Study the Bible (Part 2) - The apostle Jude urges believers to contend for the faith once and for delivered to the saints, but the only way we know the faith is through the Scriptures. Therefore, we must rightly handle the Word of God in order to contend for the faith. As we continue to read through Jude this month, we also consider the principles of observation so that we can understand what the text says. (Jude 5-10) September 13, 2020.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
In this short letter, the apostle Jude urges believers to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. In order for the saints to "contend for the gospel," we must rightly handle the Word of truth, where the once for all faith is revealed. Therefore, we need to read the Word and study the Word so that we will not pervert the grace of Christ nor deny Jesus as our Lord and Master. But how do we go about studying the Bible? (Jude 1-4) September 6, 2020.