FBC Benbrook Sermons

The Sunday morning sermons delivered by Pastor Todd Pylant at the First Baptist Church of Benbrook, Texas

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Let’s Keep the Passover

Monday Jun 29, 2020

Monday Jun 29, 2020

When the people of God finished rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem, the first thing they did was to keep the Passover. It was more than just a ceremony. It was a faith opportunity to separate themselves from the uncleanness of the land, to choose to worship the One True God only, and to delight in His gracious good works. (Ezra 6.19-22) June 28, 2020

Neglecting God’s House

Monday Jun 15, 2020

Monday Jun 15, 2020

God's divine eternal plan is to build one household of faith, fellow citizens from all people groups. But when we neglect God's house and focus only on our house, we do so at our own peril. (Ezra 5.1-2) June 14, 2020

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020

The Ezra-Nehemiah story is a fascinating, historical reminder of God's steadfast love for His people. It reminds us that God is a promise keeping God, that God is a restoring God, and that God is in control of history, even our own story. (Ezra 1.1-8) June 7, 2020

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

What does it mean to walk in the fear of the Lord? Does it mean to fear His judgment? Does it mean to be in awe of His impressive beauty and greatness? Or does it mean to walk in His ways, trust Him, and rest in Him? (Ecclesiastes 12.13-14) May 31, 2020

Monday May 18, 2020

The writer of Ecclesiastes wrote about the frustrations of government that we all feel, but in Christ, we are not left stuck in this frustration. Because we are children of God, we are gloriously free to honor the King and to pray for those in authority over us (Ecclesiastes 10.16-18) May 17, 2020.

Hebel, Meet Noonday Justice

Monday May 11, 2020

Monday May 11, 2020

Because humans are created in the image of God, we long for justice, just like our Creator. And when we experience injustice, it is so painful. But we know that God loves justice, that God is with us, and that God is at work bringing justice like the noonday. (Ecclesiastes 3.16, Psalm 37, Romans 12.14-21) May 10, 2020.

Monday May 04, 2020

The writer of Ecclesiastes struggled with the reality of death because it made everything done in this life meaningless. But because there will be a resurrection to come, the light of the gospel means that our life is not in vain. (Eccelsiastes 2.16-22) May 3, 2020

Preach the Gospel to Your Hebel

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

The gospel of Jesus Christ shines light on the meaninglessness of life (Ecclesiastes 1) April 26, 2020

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

Thirty minutes after we die, where are we? What actually happens after we die? Though the Bible may not answer all the questions we have about this issue, it does teach us clear truth to encourage our souls and to give us hope. (1 Corinthians 15.20-28) April 19, 2020

Because the Tomb is Empty

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020

On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And on this Easter Sunday, we celebrate the hope that believers in Christ will share in a resurrection like His. Our perishable, mortal, weak, natural bodies will be raised immortal, imperishable, glorious, powerful, and Spirit empowered resurrected bodies. (April 12, 2020) 1 Corinthians 15.35-54

Todd Pylant, First Baptist Church of Benbrook, TX

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