FBC Benbrook Sermons

The Sunday morning sermons delivered by Pastor Todd Pylant at the First Baptist Church of Benbrook, Texas

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Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

The introduction to the gospel of John known as the Prologue serves as a table of contents for the entire Gospel, foreshadowing key themes and events. John’s Gospel is distinct in its Christology, offering a theological rather than a traditional Christmas story. It emphasizes Jesus as eternal, one with the Father, the agent of creation, and the ultimate revelation of God.But the most striking feature of the prologue is the term "Word" (Logos) used to describe Jesus. Unlike the other titles for Jesus in the prologue, "Word" is not used again in the Gospel or the New Testament, except in Revelation. This term encapsulates three significant Old Testament concepts: the creative power of God, God's self-revelation, and God's deliverance. Jesus embodies these aspects, being the agent of creation, the ultimate revelation of God, and the deliverer who steps into time and space to save humanity.The creative power of God is evident in Jesus' miracles, such as healing the nobleman’s son with just a word. The concept of revelation is fulfilled in Jesus, who makes the Father known. The idea of deliverance is seen in the Incarnation and the crucifixion, where Jesus steps into history to save us from our sins.John’s choice to call Jesus the "Word" is profound. It captures the essence of Jesus' identity and mission, reflecting the eternal triune God’s creative, revealing, and delivering nature. This understanding challenges us to see Jesus not only as the Word in the past and future but also in our present lives. Jesus continues to reveal, create, and deliver today, making Him relevant in our daily walk of faith.
John 1.1-18 (July 28, 2024)

What is Truth?

Monday Jul 22, 2024

Monday Jul 22, 2024

What is truth? 
In today's sermon, the pastor delves into the profound question posed by Pilate to Jesus: "What is truth?" This question, which has echoed through centuries, is explored through the lens of the Gospel of John, where the concept of truth is a central theme. The pastor highlights how John uniquely emphasizes truth, mentioning it 48 times compared to the sparse mentions in the other Gospels. Jesus' conversation with Pilate reveals that His kingdom is not of this world and that He came to bear witness to the truth, which is ultimately Himself. The sermon then transitions to our contemporary struggle with truth, discussing how postmodernism has led to a deconstruction of absolute truth, resulting in a culture where truth is seen as subjective and relative. The pastor argues that this has led to societal confusion and anxiety, as individuals cannot bear the weight of being their own ultimate reality. Instead, he emphasizes that true liberation and peace come from recognizing Jesus as the ultimate reality and truth. The sermon concludes with a call to understand the radical reordering of life that comes with following Christ and to be equipped to share this truth with others in a world that desperately needs it.
(John 18.33-38) July 21, 2024

Abiding and Fruit Bearing

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

The profound imagery of Jesus as the "true vine" from John 15 offers rich historical and spiritual significance. This metaphor draws from Old Testament imagery where Israel is often depicted as a vine. Jesus declares Himself as the true vine, emphasizing that all previous symbols and prophecies point to Him. This declaration is not just about identity but also about relationship and fruitfulness. Believers are the branches, and their ability to bear fruit is entirely dependent on their connection to Him.Abiding in Christ means to remain, continue, and dwell in Him. This mutual indwelling—where we abide in Christ and He abides in us—is the source of all spiritual fruitfulness. Without this connection, nothing of eternal value can be accomplished. The fruit that believers are to produce includes obedience to Jesus' commands, love for others, joy, knowledge of God's will, and a dynamic prayer life. These are not just external actions but the natural outflow of a life deeply rooted in Christ.Unfruitful branches, representing those who do not truly abide in Him, face a stark fate. These branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, symbolizing judgment. This highlights the importance of genuine faith that perseveres and bears fruit. The unfruitful branches represent those who may appear religious but lack a true, transformative relationship with Christ.The process of bearing fruit involves pruning, which can be painful but is necessary for greater fruitfulness. Pruning is part of sanctification, the ongoing process of being made holy. While none can claim to perfectly embody the fruit of the Spirit, the promise remains that if we abide in Christ, we will bear fruit. This is a call to deepen our relationship with Jesus, trusting that He will produce His life-transforming work in us.Abiding in Christ is essential for fruitfulness. The metaphor of the vine and branches underscores that spiritual vitality and the ability to bear fruit come solely from the connection to Jesus. This abiding is a continuous, intimate relationship where Christ's life flows through us, producing spiritual fruit.The nature of spiritual fruit includes obedience to Jesus' commands, love for others, joy, knowledge of God's will, and a dynamic prayer life. These are not mere actions but the natural outflow of a life deeply rooted in Christ. This fruit bears witness to the beauty and greatness of Jesus.Pruning is a necessary part of the Christian life. It involves God removing aspects of our lives that hinder spiritual growth. While this process can be painful, it is essential for greater fruitfulness. Pruning is part of sanctification, the ongoing process of being made holy.The danger of being unfruitful is real. Unfruitful branches represent those who do not truly abide in Christ. These individuals may appear religious but lack a genuine, transformative relationship with Jesus. The fate of these branches is judgment, emphasizing the importance of genuine faith that perseveres and bears fruit.For those who abide in Christ, there is a promise of fruitfulness. Even though barren areas may be seen in life, the key is not to strive harder but to deepen abiding in Jesus. The life-transforming power comes from the connection to Him, and as we remain in Him, He will produce the fruit we long to see.The call to abide in Christ is a call to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. This relationship is the source of all spiritual fruitfulness and the key to a life that bears witness to the beauty and greatness of Jesus. Trust in Him, remain in Him, and let His life flow through you, producing the fruit that glorifies God.

A Word for Troubled Souls

Monday Jul 08, 2024

Monday Jul 08, 2024

John 14 is usually thought of as a “funeral text,” a word of hope for those grieving the loss of a loved one. But Jesus is really speaking to a group of “troubled souls.” Jesus went to prepare a place for us, both to the cross and to the right hand of the Father. How do the words of Jesus encourage us today who are living through troubling times and have troubled souls? (John 14.1-18) July 7, 2024.

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

The religious leaders during the days of Jesus were looking for another God empowered anointed one, someone like Moses or David or Joshua, to rise up and rescue them. However, God sent His very Son to be a much greater Savior. The temptation to mold Jesus into our corrupted vision is always present, but we need to let Jesus be the Lord and Savior He claimed to be. (John 10.22-29) June 30, 2024. Guest preacher is Blake Theiss.

Living Sacrifices

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

Living Sacrifices. That is what the Scriptures tell followers of Christ to be: living sacrifices. But this is not a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins nor to earn God’s favor. That is a gift to be received by grace through faith. This is a worshipful response to the manifold mercies of God. But we live in a world that is working hard to conform us to its ways, so our reasonable service is to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. And what we find is that following the Lordship of Christ is the good and pleasing life. (Romans 12.1-2) June 23, 2024

The Good Shepherd

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Jesus identifies Himself as “the Good Shepherd,” both fulfilling the messianic hope that God would send a shepherd to lead His people and demonstrating God’s personalized care for each of us. Furthermore, in John 10, Jesus shares how He has come to bring us abundant life: by calling each sheep by name. And when He does, they hear His voice and follow Him, and He leads them to life abundant and eternal. And no one can snatch them out of His hands. (John 10.1-18) June 16, 2024.

The Eternal Son of God

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Jesus claimed to be both the Great I Am and the Son of the Father. How can Jesus be God and be with God? While our ability to understand the Eternal Triune God is difficult, the church has made a clear statement about “the eternal generation of the Son.” What does this mean, and more importantly, why does it make a difference in our daily walk with Christ?  When we take a closer look, we can see how the beauty and greatness of Jesus beautifies and blesses our daily experience in Christ. (John 8.53-59) June 9, 2024.

The Light of the World

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Monday Jun 03, 2024

The words of Jesus can be tough to hear. His claims about who He is and His demands to believe and follow Him are challenging, especially in our culture today. But our heart’s desire for life and to be set free from the burden of darkness continues to find its answer in the life that Christ alone can bring. Jesus is the Light of the World, and those who believe in Him are set free from the kingdom of darkness and join the Kingdom of the Son and His light. (John 8.12-30) June 2, 2024

Bearing Witness to the Light

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Tuesday May 28, 2024

John the Baptist’s ministry not only bears witness to who Jesus was, is, and is to come, but also encourages all believers in the good work God has created them to do. John bears witness that Jesus is eternal, exalted, the Lamb of God, and the Greatest Baptizer. And just like John, all believers have a unique calling to bear witness to the Light. The question is, “How can we bear witness to the Light in the unique place God has sent us in the unique way God has created us?” (John 1.19-34) May 26, 2024.

Todd Pylant, First Baptist Church of Benbrook, TX

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