
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
How can we represent Jesus in a world that is either not interested in hearing about Him or even hostile to Him? The church has struggled with this question ever since the resurrection. The apostle Paul coached Timothy on how to become ready for the good work of “correcting his opponents” so that he was useful to the Master. As Ambassadors for Christ today, we can learn from Paul’s coaching on how to make ourselves useful to the Master. (2 Timothy 2.20-26) June 11, 2023.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
We are called to both receive and transmit the good deposit that was given to us. This week we will look at Paul's instruction to Timothy and see how God uses ordinary people like you and me to tell His redemptive story. (2 Timothy 2.1-2) May 28, 2023. Guest Preacher: Blake Theiss.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
As followers of Christ await the second coming of Jesus, Jesus and the apostles warn us that the “last days” will be filled with times of difficulty. But this should not lead us to get lost in gloom and doom. Instead, it should call us to build up our faith and embrace the mission of the church which is to rescue those who are held captive by the enemy. (2 Timothy 1.15-18 and 3.1-9) May 21, 2023

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
One of the many great gifts of God is the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, whether in the form of spiritual gifts, the fruits of the Spirit, or the various workings of His grace in, through, and around us. As believers, we are encouraged to keep fanning into flame the gifts of God by His grace, through confession and repentance, by actively seeking the work of the Spirit, by obeying the promptings of the Spirit, and by activating the Word in our lives. (2 Timothy 1.1-7) May 14, 2023.

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
What does the church need from its pastors? As Paul encouraged Timothy, we learn that the church needs its pastors to (1) be WHO we need them to BE, (2) to do WHAT we need them to DO, and (3) to look WHERE we need them to LOOK. Guest preacher: Justin Wainscott. (1 Timothy 6.11-16) May 7, 2023.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Everyone has heard the truism that “Money can’t buy happiness,” but that is simply looking at money from a worldly perspective. The Scripture offers a deeper look at the treasures of this world through the lens of the gospel. The gospel truth about money is that Christ alone has the power to give life, contentment, fulfillment, joy, and peace, which is why the treasures of this world cannot bear the weight of our hope. 1 Timothy 6 gives us the biblical truth we need to keep ourselves free from the love of money. (1 Timothy 6.2-19) April 30, 2023.

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to “suffer for the gospel by the power of God.” While we tend to equate “suffering for the gospel” with persecution, walking in faith through trials and tribulations is another form of suffering for the gospel by the power of God. In that light, Paul’s testimony of how he endured suffering is important for the normal Christian life: “I know whom I have believed in and am convinced that He is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me.” (2 Timothy 1.8-14) April 23, 2023

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
In addition to being saved by something, saved from something, and saved to something, followers of Christ are called to a holy calling. That calling is defined by God’s divine eternal purpose to bring all things under the headship of Christ and empowered by His grace. But our response to His purpose and grace can be described as either: my purpose and my power, God’s purpose but my power, my purpose but God’s power, or God’s purpose by His power. Which one of these four best describes you? (2 Timothy 1.8-14) April 16, 2023

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
The good news of Easter is that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead. Not only are we saved by grace and not by works, but we are saved from something and we are saved to something. We celebrate Easter because Christ abolished death and brought life and immortality. (2 Timothy 1.8-14) April 9, 2023

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
The beauty and greatness of the gospel is so vast. One way to delight in the gospel is to see how Jesus bore our shame on the cross. Because of the cross, we are liberated from seeking honor from our earthly community and are welcomed into the most honorable community of all, the family of God. God not only forgives our sins, but honors us in His love and mercy with life and immortality. (2 Timothy 1.8-14) April 2, 2023