FBC Benbrook Sermons

The Sunday morning sermons delivered by Pastor Todd Pylant at the First Baptist Church of Benbrook, Texas

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Monday Oct 24, 2022

Why did God choose to give differing gifts to Christians? His divine eternal plan is to create one household of faith, where His children share the love of the Father with each other. But our sin natures make this hard to live out. How do the biblical passages on spiritual gifts encourage us to think and act in such a way as to preserve the unity of the body of Christ for His glory? (Romans 12.3-6) October 23, 2022

The Mystery of Spiritual Gifts

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Since spiritual gifts are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and through the believer, it is natural that we have some questions about how this works. But, we don’t want to allow the mystery of spiritual gifts to keep us from the mystery of spiritual gifts. Join us for a conversation about the top questions that many Christians have about spiritual gifts. (Romans 12.4-6) October 16, 2022.

Monday Oct 03, 2022

At the end of Moses’ life, he wrote down all the words of the law in a book and placed it beside the ark. Yet, many scholars today believe that Moses was not the principle author of the Pentateuch, but that it was written hundreds of years later to support the new monarchy and temple worship in Jerusalem. Why is it important that we believe Moses was the principle author of the Pentateuch? Because there is a spiritual battle going on for our faith in Christ, and what we believe about Scripture and what we do with Scripture will determine victory or defeat. (Deuteronomy 31.24-29) October 2, 2022

What Has God Wrought!

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is surely one of the weirdest stories from the exodus. As we look deeper than the surface story, we find that Israel was supposed to learn that God is sovereign over all of His creation and present and active in creation. It should have encouraged them to move boldly toward the Promised Land because if God was for them, who could be against them? Unfortunately, they chose to embrace the “god of this world,” which at that time was the pagan god Baal. This temptation is common to us today, leading many in our culture to reject the idea of a sovereign and present God and to embrace the god of this world, modern day naturalism. But even believers can believe in a sovereign God but believe Him to NOT be present and active in this world. In the end, Balaam was right. We will either live with a question mark or an exclamation point after the words, “What has God wrought.” (September 25, 2022) Numbers 23.19-23.

The Sin of Moses

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

After all that Moses had to endure leading a grumbling group of people through the wilderness, he was disqualified from entering the Promised Land himself for the simple crime of hitting a rock with a stick. Why was the sin of Moses such a big deal in the eyes of God? And what can we learn about being an Ambassador for Christ from his mistakes? (Numbers 20.1-13) September 11, 2022

Submit and Discern

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

The Bible teaches us that we are to submit to authority, but most of our favorite Bible stories are about godly people resisting authority. The story of Korah's rebellion against Moses makes us think about what the Bible has to say about authority. (Numbers 16) September 4, 2022

Focus on Hebron

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

When we come face to face with the Giants in our land, whom do we fear? Do we fear the giants or fear the Lord? How does the presence of God, the Word of God, the ways of God, and our relationship with God impact those life changing moments? (Numbers 13-14) August 28, 2022

Sunday Aug 21, 2022

Many of the stories from the exodus experience involve the wrath of God being poured out upon His people in response to their sin and rebellion. How does the wrath of God relate to the grace of the new covenant? As we think through the gospel, we see that the wrath of God drives us to the grace of God and calls us to rest under the discipline of a loving heavenly Father. (Numbers 13.1-3) August 21, 2022

Monday Aug 15, 2022

Why did God spend so much time giving specific instructions to Moses about how to build the tabernacle? What was God communicating to His people by gifting them with the tabernacle? How does the tabernacle point to Jesus? By reading Exodus 40 and Hebrews 9-10, we learn that God wants to dwell with His people, that our sin separates us from a holy God, and that through Jesus we can draw near to the dwelling place of God. (Exodus 40) August 14, 2020

Monday Aug 08, 2022

Guest preacher Matt Miller takes an in-depth look at the Golden Calf story in Exodus 32 (August 7, 2022).

Todd Pylant, First Baptist Church of Benbrook, TX

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